
Hello! I’m Kate. I have been an artist and writer since I was big enough to hold a crayon. Art, books, music, and film have been fuel for my imagination, heart, and soul as long as I can remember.

I was born and raised in the Midwest. Chicagoland is where I came of age and learned how to drive in lake effect snow. I have lived all over the United States over my lifetime. I currently reside in North Carolina, which I love!

I’m a late bloomer learning digital workflows after decades as a traditional artist. I didn’t have access to a computer at all until I was 32. I didn’t have access to any Mac technology or software like Adobe until after my divorce when I was 44. This is why the Digital Divide is one of my pet projects. Access to technology is crucially important for people to do pretty much anything in life.

I just started using Affinity Designer 2 and Affinity products instead of Adobe because it’s so easy to pick up and isn’t a subscription.

Check back often, as I will be adding more creations to the store for you to purchase and enjoy!